How to Create Eye-Catching Facebook Video Ads That People Like To Watch

Jinendra Singh
4 min readApr 22, 2021
Facebook Video Ads

Why is it important to create Facebook video ads that feel more like they belong there?

People who want to buy your goods despise advertisements, and they don’t want to see them in their Facebook feed. So, if you want to communicate with your audience through Facebook video advertising, they should look more like native Facebook video ads than advertisements. When people click through their news feeds, your advertising should blend in with the content they usually see rather than stand out. Here are two ways to make your Facebook video advertising appear more native to the web, capturing your audience’s attention and leading them down the path to becoming buyers.

1. Make a Facebook video ad that looks like an interview.

An interview feature is the first way to get people to watch your Facebook video advertisement. However, this isn’t a typical interview video, in which the subject speaks while staring directly at the camera. Instead, make the person speaking turn away from the camera as if they’re being interviewed by someone off-screen. This interview style will help them sound less rehearsed and stilted in their narration, which is ideal for a testimonial or a company executive appearance. By design, it gives the video more authority, making it seem more natural in people’s Facebook feeds.

2. Make a Facebook video ads with text-on-screen.

On Facebook, you’ve probably seen a lot of text-on-screen videos, in which the story is told mainly through video clips and images with text overlaid on top. Since a large percentage of Facebook users do not watch videos with music, these videos seem to be very natural. Video automatically starts playing as they scroll through the feed. So, if you can get people to click through the content with a good headline, you can lead them down the path to being a customer. Your attitude has a lot to do with how you make this content sound authentic. Create content from the perspective of a potential user, so it isn’t you bragging about how awesome you are, but someone else.

Consider what you’d say about your product or service if you were having a conversation with a friend at a pub. People in the feed seem to think so. Since people view these videos mainly by reading the text rather than watching whatever B roll you use, the script is essential to making it work. Here’s how to write the ideal text-on-screen video script in four simple steps.

Make a headline that stands out.

Start your script with a headline that is descriptive, elicits empathy, elicits emotion, and delivers. Specificity is the most important feature. It’s called “click assumption” by me. When people see your headline, they should have a good idea of the value they’ll get if they press. There’s no need for them to click if the value isn’t obvious or if you give the game away in the headline. The headline should pique people’s interest. People must click into it in order to see how much value they can get. Consider it as if you were putting together a jigsaw puzzle. If a puzzle piece has a semi-circle space cut out, you’ll search for a semi-circle piece that suits that space. You aren’t looking for a square. You know exactly what you’re looking for. That’s what your headline can accomplish. Your viewer will then have a very clear idea of what they’ll get on the other side of their click — finding out what makes this soap unique and how it can change their lives.

Empathy comes into play here. They experience a strong emotional bond. It gives them the impression that it will help them overcome an issue they are having in their everyday lives. Your headline must fulfill the pledge it makes as the final item.

Include the information that you think would be useful to others

The next section of your script, after the headline, should contain your most shareable piece of material. Since audiences are unlikely to watch your video all the way through, it’s important to provide all of the market-defining information about your product or service in the first 15 seconds. Then, for the second more shareable piece of information, repeat the process. This is the section where you get into the specifics of your product or service. Explain how it operates and why it is market-defining. Bear in mind that these are just one-minute recordings. Per text slide, limit yourself to three lines of four or five words per line. You don’t have much land, but you don’t need it.

A clear call to action should be included.

A simple call to action like “do this here” or “buy this here” is the final step in scripting. This method can also be used to generate an infinite number of story ideas.

Hence, to get people to notice your Facebook video ads in the news feed, they should seem more like organic content than ads. Use an interview-style format of someone on-screen talking to the audience if you want to have someone on-screen talking to the audience. This reduces the appearance of the video as a talking-head piece while maintaining its authority. Another choice is to make a text-on-screen video to draw attention from people who are scrolling through the feed with the sound turned off. The trick is to create a video script with a text overlay that effectively tells the story.

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Jinendra Singh

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